By: Brittany Zachary 4-23-2015
We get asked all of the time by our patients about the different types of food we are eating and where to get it. Our team is very fortunate to have a full-kitchen where we prepare meals and hold community class cooking demonstrations while discussing nutritional values. Often times, I come into the office and there are grocery bags on the counter while someone is filling the office with scents of scrambled eggs, sausage, and a pepper/onion hash brown mix for breakfast. Other common sites include watching co-workers make fresh-pressed juice and vegan protein shakes. However, we don’t always have time to prepare fresh meals. That’s one reason why we love Mama Jean’s deli. It is one of the few places we know we’re getting real and fresh food. Here are our top 3 picks for you to try the next time you’re grocery shopping:
1. Carrot Juice
It’s honestly difficult for us to pick our favorite juice. Rotating a beverage on your weekly grocery trip will keep your body happily supercharged with nutrients and trying the variety of fresh concoctions will give you piece of mind that you’re doing something good for yourself today. However, if you really can’t decide between a ginger shot or green blend, just stick with straight carrot juice. Why? Carrot juice is great for clearing out the toxins in your body. By clearing your body of the excess junk, it can help restore the natural balance in your body which leads to:
- Reduced inflammation
- A strengthened immune system
- Controlled sugar levels
- Better digestion
- Hydrated skin
- Improved oral health
2. Quinoa Salad
Salad doesn’t have to be green or a heavy-laden fruit medley covered with vanilla pudding. It is great and tasty dish to eat alone at lunch or as a side dish. Plus, you’re filling up on an extremely nutrient dense food. You can rest assured you won’t be breaking any diet rules eating Quinoa salad. Quinoa alone contains a plethora of health benefits, because it is high in:
- Protein
- Vitamins B9, B3, B2, B1, Vitamin E
- Potassium
- Copper
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Phosphorus
- Selenium
- and Zinc
3. Magic cookies
The name says it all. Magic cookies are, well, magical. Upon reading the ingredient list you may think, “This is just another hippie-wanna-be-cookie with its carrots, nuts, and hodge-podge of non-preserved ingredients.” But, with one bite your taste buds will be thanking you for introducing them to a tasty treat that can be enjoyed without the guilt. You’re welcome taste buds. You’re welcome.
*4/24/2015–You can sign-up now for our April 28th class and learn how to prepare spring veggies the Mama Jean’s way! Click here for complete details.