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My First Whole30

Let me start by saying, I did not complete the 30 days. Womp womp, what a letdown, right? No! This blog is just to inform you of what I learned and how excited I am to try again! For those of ...
Files under: Recipes, Wellness

A Red, White, and Blueberry Celebration!

By Dr. Abigail Long-Emery July is arguably the most patriotic month of the year. Old Navy practically has to tie down their American flag t-shirts to keep them from flying off the shelves. This week, I have found myself reminiscing ...
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3 Deli Delights You Have to Try from Mama Jean’s Market

By: Brittany Zachary 4-23-2015 We get asked all of the time by our patients about the different types of food we are eating and where to get it. Our team is very fortunate to have a full-kitchen where we prepare ...
Files under: Recipes

Banana Breakfast Ice Cream

This homemade ice cream recipe is so good, nutritious, and delicious that you can even eat it for breakfast! Here’s the basic recipe. Ingredients: Bananas. That’s it. Directions: Cut up a browning banana. Put the slices in a freezer bag ...
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How to Puree Carrots

Pureed carrots are an amazing vegetable to add to sauces or soups to add a sweet flavor with a punch of nutrients! Follow these easy steps and enjoy. Ingredients: 1 pound of carrots Directions: 1. Gather 1 pound of carrots ...
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The Only Way to Make Scrambled Eggs

Seriously, these are the best eggs ever. My kids will eat eggs if we are at a restaurant or visiting someone’s house…however, they always comment that the eggs aren’t fluffy or flavorful like mommy’s. It’s super simple and delicious. Just ...
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