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Webster Chiropractic Technique

Chiropractic care is inclusive. A safe, noninvasive form of hands-on health care, it can be used to effectively treat men, women, and children of all ages who are struggling with an array of health concerns. However, there is one chiropractic technique that is especially beneficial for a select group of patients. While the Webster chiropractic technique can be used on anyone, it is widely acknowledged as an excellent choice for pregnant women. It can ease their discomfort and smooth their path as they transition from mother-to-be to new mom.


Exploring the Webster Chiropractic Technique

The Webster chiropractic technique is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. Addressing subluxations, or misalignments, of the sacrum and sacroiliac joint can lead to improved neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvic region.

The Benefits of the Webster Technique

Correcting misalignments in the pelvic area with the Webster technique can reduce pain and improve the function of the neurological system. This type of treatment can be especially beneficial during pregnancy. Issues like inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and malpresentation are associated with a difficult birthing experience. The Webster technique can help counteract these issues. Generally, women treated with this technique throughout their pregnancy experience the following benefits:

  • Less pain
  • Less likely to face a dangerous breech birth
  • Easier births
The Birth of the Webster Chiropractic Technique

After watching his own daughter struggle with a long, arduous birth before successfully bringing his granddaughter into the world, Dr. Larry Webster, the founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, began exploring the impact of subluxations of the pelvis and searching for effective ways to address these misalignments with the goal of helping to facilitate safer, easier births for the mother (source). As use of the techniques Webster developed spread, practitioners noted that treatment of expectant mothers whose babies were not in the optimal position often resulted in the movement of the unborn child to the preferred vertex, or head-down, position.

In 2000, the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association developed a curriculum to educate chiropractors about the Webster technique, its proper application, and its benefits. Today, chiropractors interested in adding this technique to their toolbox are required to complete a special 180-hour certification course.

How the Webster Technique Works

The Webster technique uses careful analysis, diversified adjustments, and soft tissue release to treat dysfunction within the pelvis. Most people can identify the location of the hip bones, which form the sides of the pelvis, but fewer are familiar with the sacrum, the wedge-shaped vertebra that serves as the base of the spinal column and the back of the pelvic girdle. Joined to the hip bones by the sacroiliac joints, the sacrum supports much of the upper body’s weight, so subluxations in this area can be problematic.

A chiropractor trained in the Webster technique understands how to identify misalignments in the sacrum and surrounding structures and gently and safely adjust these structures to correct pelvic dysfunction and improve the neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvic region.

The Webster Technique and Pregnancy

Why is pelvic dysfunction a special concern for pregnant women? Being pregnant increases the physical strain on a woman’s skeleton. It also results in hormonal changes that soften and relax ligaments and other relevant tissues to prepare the body for childbirth. Both of these changes can set the stage for misalignments in the pelvis. These misalignments can contribute to discomfort, and since the uterus is physically attached to the pelvis and sacrum via multiple ligaments, these subluxations also have the potential to impact a pregnancy. It is thought that subluxations of the sacrum and sacroiliac joint can cause the ligaments that stretch between the uterus and pelvis to pull, putting undue tension on the uterus. This uterine tension has the potential to interfere with an unborn child’s ability to move into the optimum position for childbirth. Unfortunately, malpresentation is strongly linked with difficult births and increases the chance that a caesarean section will be deemed necessary.

Every parent hopes for a safe, healthy birthing experience. The evidence suggests that treatment with the Webster technique throughout her pregnancy with the goal of maintaining proper alignment in the pelvic region can reduce a mother-to-be’s discomfort and encourage proper birth positioning, which can contribute to a safer, easier birth. That’s why the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association encourages women to seek out chiropractic care from a knowledgeable, certified provider during pregnancy.


Whether you want to improve your general wellness or are seeking relief from a specific problem, chiropractic care is an option worth exploring. Are you curious about the Webster technique or other chiropractic techniques? Would you like to know more about what chiropractic care can treat? Are you interested in discovering whether you might benefit from a visit to a chiropractor? To find out, schedule a consultation with us today. At Loehr Chiropractic & Acupuncture, our doctors are constantly working to refine and expand their abilities with additional advanced training. To discover how we might fit into your wellness journey, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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