Chiropractic Care
7 Worst Mistakes to Avoid After An Auto Accident
Getting into an auto accident creates a series of events in motion that aren’t always resolved easily or quickly. Injuries are sustained, even in low-speed impacts. Roadworthy looking vehicles are totaled. Medical care comes into play, information needs to be ...
12 Things You Can Do To Make Your Chiropractic Adjustments Last Longer
One of the biggest complaints people have in going to a chiropractor is that they think they it may require frequent adjustments to reduce pain and feel their best. The truth is, chiropractors recommend the number of chiropractic adjustments your ...
Files under: Chiropractic Care, Wellness
Non-Surgical Treatments You Need To Know About For A Bulging Disc
Do you have a bulging disc that is getting in the way of your daily activities? You’re not alone. Having a bulging or herniated disc is more likely as you get older. The discs can lose the fluid, structure, and ...
2 Questions To Ask Your Chiropractor About Spinal Stenosis
What Is Spinal Stenosis? Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal. The narrowing of the canal can cause pressure on the spinal nerves and most commonly occurs in the neck and lower back. It is commonly a result ...
Files under: Chiropractic Care
The Ultimate List of How To Reduce Period Pain Without Medication
Midol. Chocolate. The Real Housewives and a heating pack. Sound familiar? For many women, this is a familiar ritual each month and deal with painful side effects from their monthly period to deal with Premenstrual (PMS) symptoms including: Muscle cramps ...
Files under: Chiropractic Care, Women's health
7 Natural Ways To Boost Your Infertility
Infertility affects 6.1 million people or about 10% of those at child-bearing age (American Pregnancy Association). The search for an affordable solution and complementary treatments can lead patients down a path of trying multiple rounds of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), medications, ...
The 1 Thing You Need To Do After A Trip To The Chiropractor
When you go to a chiropractor, you may experience something called toxic release or toxic relief. It’s the same effect a physical therapist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, or medical doctor is helping you avoid when they tell you to drink plenty ...
How to Cure Headaches
Headaches are incredibly common, which leads some people to believe that they’re normal. That’s not the case. Sure, occasional mild headaches are an annoyance, but severe headaches and migraines can make it impossible to complete basic daily tasks. Contrary to ...
What Is DABCI?
If you’ve been dealing with reoccurring health issues for years, we understand that it can feel like an uphill battle. Take a moment to assess your doctor’s treatment plan for you. Does it seem like he or she only addresses ...
Files under: Chiropractic Care
Active Release Techniques 101
What do headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and tennis elbow all have in common? All of these conditions are the result of one thing: overused muscles. Muscle overuse conditions like these can be incredibly frustrating, ...