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7 Natural Ways To Boost Your Infertility

Infertility affects 6.1 million people or about 10% of those at child-bearing age (American Pregnancy Association). The search for an affordable solution and complementary treatments can lead patients down a path of trying multiple rounds of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), medications, ...

The 1 Thing You Need To Do After A Trip To The Chiropractor

When you go to a chiropractor, you may experience something called toxic release or toxic relief. It’s the same effect a physical therapist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, or medical doctor is helping you avoid when they tell you to drink plenty ...

How to Cure Headaches

Headaches are incredibly common, which leads some people to believe that they’re normal. That’s not the case. Sure, occasional mild headaches are an annoyance, but severe headaches and migraines can make it impossible to complete basic daily tasks. Contrary to ...

Does Acupuncture Really Work?

As chiropractic professionals, we’re passionate about helping you feel better. We don’t just want to address your symptoms – we want to treat the underlying cause of those symptoms to improve your well-being. That’s where acupuncture comes in. Patients and ...
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Acupuncture and Migraines

A migraine can put your entire day on hold. Whether you’re on a family vacation or at the office, the pain is often unbearable and distracting. Plus, migraines affect more than just your ability to focus and enjoy your day. ...
Files under: Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Insomnia

Insomnia is characterized by habitual sleeplessness, the inability to fall or stay asleep. Although defining the condition is fairly easy, many factors can contribute to it, which often makes it difficult for those affected to find a treatment that works. Fortunately, ...
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The Health Benefits of Acupuncture

While acupuncture may be new to many Americans, this treatment has been used to heal and support wellness for thousands of years. A form of traditional Chinese medicine, it involves stimulating the body’s natural healing powers by targeting specific points ...
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Acupuncture for Back Pain

Bending down, sitting, lifting, sleeping, and simply living – all these activities can strain the muscles in your back. If you’re experiencing back pain, you’re not alone. Over 80 percent of the population will deal with lower back pain at ...
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Acupuncture and Fibromyalgia

At first glance, acupuncture and fibromyalgia may seem like an unusual combination. After all, many people find it counterintuitive that being stuck with multiple needles could provide pain relief. Although it may seem odd in theory, the reality is that acupuncture ...
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Myths About Acupuncture

Following thousands of years of success in China, acupuncture’s efficacy has been studied and confirmed by several renowned medical institutions. Still, myths about acupuncture treatment remain. We’ve highlighted a few of the most common in today’s blog post. Myths About ...
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