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Prenatal Massage Benefits

Pregnancy is one of life’s most amazing and beautiful experiences . . . but that’s not to say it doesn’t have its tough moments. If you’re expecting, you know firsthand that pregnancy can dramatically change a woman’s body. You might feel pain, ...
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Types of Massage Therapy

Ahh, a massage . . . Very few things can relax and restore your body and mind as quickly or effectively as massage therapy. Plus, it offers a number of scientifically backed health benefits. A massage from a professional therapist can reduce ...
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Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

A truck driver battling persistent back pain brought on by long hours behind the wheel, a student finding it difficult to manage the stress of a heavy course load, a nurse assigned to the nightshift struggling to sleep during the ...
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7 Health Benefits to Being Outdoorsy

By Kara Grant “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as ...
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My, “Other” Source of Alignment

By: Caitlin Kissee, Director of Community Relations Sometimes the last thing you want to do is the thing you need the most. I always said, “I’d never do yoga.” I had the idea in my head that I would never ...
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Mindfulness Meditation

Mindful Meditation: Simple Meditation Techniques for Stress Reduction, Focus, and Change By Brittany Zachary As a busy mom, one thing I am told constantly is that I should make, “me time” for myself…that, “me” time will make me a better ...
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Why Would I Want to Lift Weights?

By Adam Loehr They say it takes letting something go in order to realize how much you love it. I could say that is true when it comes to lifting weights. Throughout high school, I lifted weights and exercised for ...
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Cancer: A positively terrifying experience

By Joetta Dalton My cancer story began several months before my actual diagnosis. The conditions inside my body became,“just right” and created a cancer-friendly environment. However, it was quite some time before I would discover what my body was growing ...
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Small Steps Towards a Healthier Lifestyle

By: Mikayla Atchison More than 2/3 of Americans over the age of 20 are considered overweight (Center for Disease Control) Much of this can be due to the busy-ness of the American lifestyle. Many do not have time or finances ...
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My Mind Game to Stop Smoking *for good!

By Jessica Simmerman, Director of Insurance Smoking Is Not a Mind Game. It’s an Addiction. You may have clicked on this as a smoker thinking, “Smoking is not a mind game. It’s an addiction.” You are absolutely right, but let ...
Files under: Wellness